1:1 Empowered Ascension signature programme
This is a six month fast track transformational programme that combines mentoring, teaching & ascension guidance with Transference Healing® sessions. This powerful combination is suited to you if you are ready and fully committed to your fast track growth, transformation, enlightenment and ascension journey, it will enable you to embody your higher self, make significant shifts in frequency and consciousness, birth your gifts & talents, enabling you to live an empowered, soul aligned, joyful fulfilling life, in line with your highest divine possibilities, destiny & purpose.
Over the 16 weekly sessions we will go on a beautiful journey of soul discovery and transformation, we work extremely closely together, I will hold a space for you, teach, run healings and guide you, as you commit to your own unique personal & spiritual growth and transformation. I combine up to 6 Transference healing sessions with mentoring and teachings to create your fastest possible frequency shifts and ascension. It consists of weekly mentoring & teaching sessions with take away action plans and up to 6 full Transference healing sessions. We will meet either remotely via a video conference or in person at my healing room or alternative venue mutually agreed.
This programme is extremely flexible depending on your own personal learning needs. The magic is in the mentoring, which cannot be described here as it needs to remain flexible and fluid to suit your individual needs in each present moment, dependent on your Chiron sign, what is going on for you each week, ie. blocks, lower vibrational aspects you need to release such as trauma from this life or past, inner child clearing or ancestral lineage and your own desires and aspirations for the end result. Book a complimentary soul alignment video call to see if this programme is perfect for you!