Empowered Ascension Spiral Academy
Empowered Ascension Spiral Academy offers you a safe & sacred portal of Community, Enlightenment & Ascension, where you will be collectively held, nurtured and guided whilst you learn the knowledge, energetic practices, tools and techniques to become fully empowered to navigate your Self Healing – Ascension Journey with beautiful ease and grace, expanding your perception & understanding so you can embody higher frequency light as you move ever closer and closer into the remembrance and truth of the divine light being you truly are.
My intent behind the Spiral is to teach, guide, practically & energetically support you to learn how to:
* Self heal
* Align with your higher self guidance and live from heart consciousness
* Get to know your truth & essence at a core level
* Unlock your highest potential
* Become fully empowered to be the highest version of yourself
* Create continuous frequency shifts & expansion in consciousness
* Birth your unique gifts & talents
* Realise your soul purpose & mission
* Co-create your best life in alignment with your highest timeline
* Support New Earth creation in your own unique way
* Create Soul Family relationships and community
I believe that my Spiral Academy’s unique combination of Transference Healing® Energy, Mentoring, Teachings of Universal Truth, Practical Tools & Practices along with Channeling Keys & Codes to create activations for your further enlightenment, all blend perfectly together to enable your fastest possible frequency shifts & expansion, all in support of your Self Healing and Ascension journey.
In the Spiral our group will work extremely closely together in unity and go on a beautiful journey of soul discovery and transformation. I will hold a safe & sacred space for you to be seen, heard and felt. In each session I will share universal knowledge, coach you, channel spirit and dive deep into whatever shows itself to our group to clear. I will give you practical tools and techniques to implement so you can integrate your transformation to create progressive change. You will also receive daily, weekly & monthly Transference healing energy run on you to support you energetically. All you need to do is show up and commit to your own unique personal & spiritual growth and transformation!
This programme is flexible depending on your own personal learning needs and that of the group collective. The magic is in the mentoring and needs to remain flexible and fluid to suit yours and the rest of the group’s individual needs in each present moment. My role is to support you to release untruths and remember who you are! I will be guided by spirit and see what is going on for you each week, ie. blocks, lower vibrational aspects you need to release such as wounds & trauma from this life or past, inner child healing or ancestral lineage and your own desires and aspirations for the end result. Every person’s needs are unique and different depending on their Chiron sign, and as we all have our own individual traumas to heal and clear. We will dive deep and learn how to heal these core wounds and transform them into your greatest gifts, enabling you to live your purpose by shining your brightest truth and authentic self out into the world.
- My Empowered Ascension Signature Programme - Your Path To Higher Consciousness - which contains 8 modules with 64 separate universal truth teachings and accompanied frequency meditations and assignments to work through at your pleasure (worth £444)
- My private membership community - Tracy Saqladi Ascend - A sacred portal of light and ascension. Ascend is all about energy, decoding & re-coding, embodying more light - shifting in frequency and expanding in consciousness! (worth £28 per month / £336 per year) Your monthly Transference healing®️energetic upgrade heals you on all four planes of consciousness, physical, mental, emotional & spiritual whilst shifting you from one state of being to another. It’s multidimensional, fully comprehensive & pure alchemy! The group Transference healing®️session will support you to clear and release old limiting behavioural patterns & beliefs, blocks & distortions that are holding you back from living & being the highest version of yourself and creating your best life! The session will alchemically support you to raise your frequency and make a shift in consciousness so you can begin to birth your gifts and talents and be the next highest version of you! All supporting you to purposefully step up and be of service to your own and humanity's ascension at this vital time of awakening.
- My ever expanding Webinar Series - Expansion into your Highest Self (worth over £144)
- A private Whatsapp Spiral community chat
- A private Empowered Ascension Spiral Portal that houses all the above

I am so grateful that I took the plunge and joined Tracy’s Soul Sister Spiral group. Her enthusiasm, support and invaluable teachings have been just what I needed to take the next step in my spiritual journey. The group is a wonderful melting pot of like minded people, each eager to learn, grow and support each other in the process. Tracy’s natural ability to connect with each of us, and coach us through whatever is coming up for us is a true blessing. I can’t wait for my Monday and Thursdays! Thanks so much Tracy, it has been truly life changing.