
Tracy Saqladi Ascend – Is our private membership community which holds a sacred space of Light and Ascension. Ascend is all about energy, decoding & re-coding, embodying more light – shifting in frequency and expanding in consciousness! 

As an Ascend Soul Community member you will receive:

Your monthly Transference healing®️ energetic upgrade heals you on all four planes of consciousness, physical, mental, emotional & spiritual whilst shifting you from one state of being to another. It’s multidimensional, fully comprehensive & pure alchemy! The group Transference healing®️ session will support you to clear and release old limiting behavioural patterns & beliefs, blocks & distortions that are holding you back from living & being the highest version of yourself and creating your best life! The session will alchemically support you to raise your frequency and make a shift in consciousness so you can begin to birth your gifts and talents and be the highest version of you! All supporting you to purposefully step up and be of service to your own and humanity’s ascension at this vital time of awakening and New Earth Creation.

If you choose to join Ascend you will be part of a beautiful community of spiritually awakened people, fully intending & committed to live an empowered, joyful, soul aligned, fulfilling life, in line with our highest divine possibilities, destiny & purpose!

Being a member of Tracy’s Ascend community has been such a valuable experience. Each week I look forward to the teachings, which always provide something useful. There is a library of previous teachings which are handy to dip into as and when they are needed too. My favourite part of the group, along with the lovely people on there, is the monthly Transference Healings. I can honestly say I always feel so much better afterwards and every single healing has been so relevant and accurate for how I was feeling at the time


* By subscribing to Ascend you agree with the Membership terms and conditions. Click here to view the membership terms and conditions